Author: Nicholas J Finch

Book Review: Defending Jacob by William Landay

Defending JacobDefending Jacob by William Landay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Managed to grab this on a ‘skip the waiting line’ plan at the library, and was curious about it because of Chris Evans’ role in the dramatization.

These things usually disappoint me, but for once I was absolutely floored by how much this book grabbed me and refused to let go.

Wow! This was a phenomenal book I could not put down.

Not everyone can successfully write in first person perspective, but this was so smooth, and so well crafted, it was exceptional.

William Landay has a fantastic way of making you turn the page, and is certainly an author I now want to read a lot more of.

Brilliant stuff that I highly recommend.

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Book Review: Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn

Star Wars: ThrawnStar Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

And I finally finished the series, by reading the first one.

I’m not sure if I enjoyed this book more because I had read the others first, or because I was so enjoying watching the set ups that I knew flowed into the series.

I can say I very much like Eli Vanto’s character dearly, which did help bring a few things to light that I didn’t quite get when read the third book.

I highly recommend the series completely (though I would recommend starting with the first book!). The whole series is worth a few weekends. If there was one thing this book did highlight, is how much I loved Thrawn from when I first met him back from Heir To the Empire, and how much I love his character even more now.

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Book Review: Annihilation (Southern Reach, #1) by Jeff VanderMeer

Annihilation (Southern Reach, #1)Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

First off, this book isn’t very long, at just 198 pages on my digital copy from the library. It has, however, consumed most of my day.

It reads like Stephen King and the writers of ‘Lost’ had a child adept at fits of existential angst.

That there are two more books in this series doesn’t exactly thrill me into rushing out to read the rest of it, as I can’t help thinking it won’t satisfy me if I do.

It’s rather challenging on a level that’s hard to place, and forces the reader to question their own existential angst. This is not exactly a pleasant process even at the best of times and so trying to do it in midst of a pandemic and rampant, raging, uncontrolled stupidity everywhere, just seems to have added to the layers of this book I would rather leave well alone now.

Beautifully crafted work. But approach this book with caution.

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Book Review: The Gondola Maker (Venetian Artisans #2) by Laura Morelli

The Gondola Maker (Venetian Artisans #2)The Gondola Maker by Laura Morelli
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wonderful! Meticulously researched, written with humanity and passion, this story leapt at me and refused to let go.

Such honest, humble characterization was powerfully written, and none of the twists and turns were even remotely as I’d imagined they might be.

I highly recommend this book!

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