Book Review: Star Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn

Star Wars: ThrawnStar Wars: Thrawn by Timothy Zahn
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

And I finally finished the series, by reading the first one.

I’m not sure if I enjoyed this book more because I had read the others first, or because I was so enjoying watching the set ups that I knew flowed into the series.

I can say I very much like Eli Vanto’s character dearly, which did help bring a few things to light that I didn’t quite get when read the third book.

I highly recommend the series completely (though I would recommend starting with the first book!). The whole series is worth a few weekends. If there was one thing this book did highlight, is how much I loved Thrawn from when I first met him back from Heir To the Empire, and how much I love his character even more now.

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