Category: Announcements

Reminder: Smashwords July/Winter Sale

Book Event Sale!

For the month of July, Smashwords is running a Summer/Winter Sales Event!

During this time The Secret Service Agent will be 50% Off.

If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s a bargain!

If you have already bought it – read and loved it – send it to a friend as a summer/winter reading gift.

Remember to leave a kind review.

Thank you so much.

NJ Finch


Smashwords: July Summer/Winter Sale

Book Event Sale!

For the month of July, Smashwords is running a Summer/Winter Sales Event!

During this time The Secret Service Agent will be 50% Off.

If you haven’t picked it up yet, it’s a bargain!

If you have already bought it – read and loved it – send it to a friend as a summer/winter reading gift.

Remember to leave a kind review.

Thank you so much.

NJ Finch


Where in the World is Nicholas Finch?

Hello There!

You’ve probably been wondering where I’ve been.

Well, like all of us, I’ve been dealing with the shutdown and pandemic with as much grace and dignity as I could muster.

Luckily, I’ve been able to work from home, but learning to have a work-life balance while I’m occupying my kitchen table has been a bit harder.

I have two story ideas that I desperately want to write, but my muse has apparently decided to start practicing social distancing, and now won’t come six feet near me!! 🙂

In the meantime I’m 5 books ahead of my schedule for Goodreads, so staying home has it’s advantages.

I also realize I’ve been neglecting this blog and a few other things, but that will change.

Since I’m well ahead of schedule on my readings, I need to get back to posting some of my book reviews.  Plus, I can get back to posting fun things we all could use.  Laughs must not be few and far between any more!

I might also get the muse to cooperate with teasing posts of the storylines I’ve been brooding over.

Meanwhile, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.  Love your neighbor.  Remember they need you, like you need them.

– Nicholas J. Finch


Nicholas J. Finch – Update


So you’re probably wondering where I’ve been.

Between the holidays, work, and a variety of other commitments, I’ve been extremely busy.   Keeping the website updated has kind of fallen to the wayside.  But, I’m still very active on Goodreads, so you could always follow me there to see my vast collective reading list!

The good news is, I’ve started working on my next book!

It’s in the early stages: working out the idea, building the characters, and doing massive amounts of research on *drumroll please* … Australia!

Yes, Australia.

Expect interesting facts about Australia to start popping up as I go along.

It’s very exciting stuff.



Happy Anniversary: Conversations in Real Time

Three years ago today, I published my first novella Conversations in Real Time.

It was an amazing moment to finally, after so many years, see something of mine published.

It’s been a roller coaster ever since, with The Secret Service Agent coming out two years later.

I’ve only just started in this new career!

So stick with me, there is more to come!

If you are new to following me, pick up my first book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, or Kobo for just .99 cents!