Bookreview: The Whisper Man by Alex North

The Whisper ManThe Whisper Man by Alex North
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Having literally stumbled over this at the library, I was instantly taken by the blurb and started reading, only to realize that I could in no way put this book down.

Been a while since I found a book that good! Seriously.

Intriguing. Dark. Multiple PoVs. Brilliantly written. And certainly not something I could fathom out within the first 25% of the story – which is what usually happens when I read tales of this kind.

Psychologically twisted, and highly creative, this tale is just enough to hook you in and keep you turning the pages. I like that very much.

The ending was just a little bit overcooked for my taste, but certainly not as distracting as it could’ve been.

Excellent stuff for a random find on library day!

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