The Alexander Trilogy by Mary Renault
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The first book in this trilogy ‘Fire From Heaven’ read like an absolute miracle. Beautiful flowing prose, the likes of which is rarely to be found these days, made the entire experience an exciting and insightful joy.
The second book ‘The Persian Boy’ started out interesting, moved to intriguing, and then became irritating. Actually it became increasingly irritating to the point of utterly unbelievable annoyance, and I couldn’t keep reading it without wanting to scream ‘are you completely f’ing kidding me with this?’.
I have rarely gone from such unfettered admiration for a writer, to being utterly disgusted in so short a time.
And in my life, I’m quite sure I’ve never before read such beautifully, eloquently, gorgeously constructed crap before.
Can’t finish this.
Not even curious about it.
Not recommending this past the first book.
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