This is one of the books downloaded during Amazon’s World Book Day.
One down … eight to go.
All This I Will Give to You by Dolores Redondo
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I don’t normally find myself attracted to women authors, but this book was discovered as part of a free deal on AmazonCrossing (Books from Around the World), and being that it was a/ free and b/ had an intriguing cover, I dove in.
I surprised myself actually, given that I knew nothing of either the book or the author.
I was hooked. Less than 3 pages in, and I seriously couldn’t put it down.
I wish I could give it more than 5 stars!!
It’s been a very long time since I raved so enthusiastically about a novel, let alone one I was desperately driven to finish reading, because it was so beautifully addicting.
Even being translated from Spanish, it was gorgeous, flowing prose, utterly believable emotion, well drawn and deeply crafted. The characters are so real, the places so inspiring, that I was right there with them on their journey.
Wonderful! Just truly wonderful with a superb ending I can honestly say I didn’t see coming.
I’m bound and determined now to find more of the works of Delores Redondo.
I can’t recommend this book highly enough!!!!