Book of Review: Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)

Did I mention my eclectic reading habits?  Wizards – sure, why not.  Roman History – yes, please.  Witches – well it’s about a book and we know I love books!


Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)Storm Front by Jim Butcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow! Why have I never read Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files before??

Seriously, why?

It’s absolutely freaking brilliant! Not a hard, or a complex read, but a fun and gripping yarn.

Dresden is the perfect mix of heroic snark and sarcasm mixed with gritty reality in a world of magic.

I love this!

I especially love him naked with soap in his eyes fighting a frog demon in a thunderstorm.

And I love that this is first person PoV done so wonderfully and in such detail that you forget it’s first person PoV.

More please! Can’t wait for more…

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